Pictures have arrived!
Some moments in a typical day of Noah: The night time routine
Getting sprayed, to make all the stuff in his lungs nice and loose, so no thick lumps that block his breathing tube in the night.
Change into his pyamas...

Time does keep passing so quickly. Another week is over and we still haven't posted any pictures!! It has been an exciting week. Noah has grown another tooth, this time at the top. The other top front tooth is close but it's taking it's time coming through. We're hoping it will be through in time for Easter and then Noah will be our little Easter bunny with his two top teeth!
A story before bedtime
Sitting on grampy's lap
Fighting sleep
And finally asleep!
Original post....
Time does keep passing so quickly. Another week is over and we still haven't posted any pictures!! It has been an exciting week. Noah has grown another tooth, this time at the top. The other top front tooth is close but it's taking it's time coming through. We're hoping it will be through in time for Easter and then Noah will be our little Easter bunny with his two top teeth!
Zaineb has started this week. She has quickly become my right hand. It's been great to work with someone, it's a lot less stressful with two. Noah has been ill this week and has not been off his machine as much. My goodness it's hard work when he's on his machine, how quickly we'd forgotten this! He is so much less mobile, you have to do all his care bent in awkward positions, of course this is no fun for Noah either being stuck in one place.
We had to take Noah to the hospital yesterday to get him checked out as his condition wasn't improving. He has a cold but luckily his normal dosage of antibiotics is helping to keep it from getting worse. Noah is his usual sunny self with periods of grumpiness in between. We experience his cold as a lot of suctioning (also during the night) and we spray him more often to help get the slime loose. Hopefully he will be well again soon.
I finally got out of the house and went into town to meet a friend and do some shopping. Thijs has now decided it's a good thing I don't go out that much as when I do, I spend too much. I have tried to explain that buying a new computer when it's on sale is a saving - but he just won't understand this. He is so stubborn sometimes!! ;)
We've made some social plans for the end of this month and so we're looking forward to going out as a couple. We're starting to think about how we can arrange for more time together. I know this might sound a bit strange to some, but you see we work like a tag team here. If Thijs looks after Noah I can go out and do something, and vice versa, it's actually impossible to do things together while Noah has been so out of sorts. So that's why we're now thinking of perhaps getting a nurse in once in a while in order to be able to go out together and walk the dog up the beach or just go shopping together (although I think Thijs would prefer we stay away from the shops!!). Now that things are settling into a routine we have the space to think about things like this.
On the administration front we have had some contact from the various offices, and they are now considering our case. So it's at least some progress.
Things are settling down so well here I've even taken time to look out the window. It's beautiful Spring sunshine out there. I'm feeling optimistic enough to even think about having time to plant some bulbs in the window boxes. Yes, yes but first we'll post some photos!