Lots of pictures today, we realise that there haven't been any for a while.
So first some old ones from when Louise's father was visiting. We had a great time, and the weather was perfect. It was the very late summer we had in the Netherlands at the end of September, after it rained most of July and August. Great weather for some gardening, almost too warm. Not complaining, mind you.

We leveled out all the paths around the side of the house, So now we can get around without getting our feet wet, and more importantly, Noah can get around as well.

Granpy took some new clothes with him for Noah, including this monster bath robe. Pretty impressive!
And after all that relaying of the path we all had a well deserved nap.
Then we quickly jump forward in time, to a week and a half ago, when Sinterklaas arrived in Rotterdam. Aunt Anneke came over, to help Louise to get him on the boat, she arrived the day before.
Here she is feeding Noah.
This is the boat, just docking now to let Noah (okay, and some other kids) on.
Here they are, Noah and Mama with the traditional 'Black Pete' hats on.
There is tradional candy at sinterklaas, of which there was plenty of on the boat. Noah is usually not that good in eating by himself, but these seemed to go down quite well:
Hmmm, what are these things?
I'll give one a try....
Not bad at all...
I'll just take another one, I think.
Luckily he calmed down again (as he dropped most on the floor, he didn't eat all that much).
Except for the boat with Sinterklaas, there were also a lot more boats to take all the gifts that Sinterklaas brings:
And here is Sinterklaas himself:
Sinterklaas came over to meet everyone, but we didn't get a good picture of that in all the excitement.
This is where Sinterklaas gets of the boat into Rotterdam. The crowd was enormous!
Sinterklaas leaves the boat here, but Noah and the other kids had to stay on and get of at another point, as it was just too busy. Well, after all the excitement, there is only one thing left to do: A nap.
And nice view of the Rotterdam skyline for the adults.
Hope you enjoyed it,