It's been a bit too long since our last update and I know some people have started to worry. We're all doing well, it's just been a time of trying to catch up and trying to get off this mad merry go around that we're on and take life a little slower. So even though I've been taking masses of photo's, I never really got around to writing and posting. Today is a beautiful day and I really want to get out into the garden so I'll just write a small update with a promise of lots of pictures and a full update to come ... deal?
Since this new year, Noah's physical development has just astounded us. Actually it's pretty hard going trying to keep up with the pace of change sometimes. He is walking with less help,
working his way towards crawling, getting some more fine motor skills, and even trying to cycle.
Perhaps that's why his tummy distressed me so much. The doctors don't know what's wrong with his tummy - there are limited tests, which Noah has had and passed. In my techie mind the phrase "don't know" means "need more input"! So I've been driving everyone demented with all of my data collecting and "input". When I say input, I mean Noah's output... And trust me, we even had to ask the doctor what normal is, because an average week looks like this. As an unrelated fact, our washing machine broke recently.

Finally, at the point where my head was about to implode a kindly nurse sat with me and explained that "sometimes the body just needs time to work it's own miracle." Big huge lights went of in my brain "WOW! OF COURSE" ..... followed swiftly by .... "WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST BLOODY SAY THAT!!!!!"
That conversation helped me get my brain out of the groove it had been trapped in. It was followed by a regular home visit from the "breathing team" nurse, Christa. We had chats about what was up and coming for Noah with regards to hospital appointments and possibilities surrounding Noah's cannule. She asked me why are we considering letting Noah going under full narcosis again? She was so thrilled at the changes in Noah (she hadn't seen him since December), so why would I put his system under such stress again?
Anyway, lots more has happened and we will let you know about it all, in detail and with pictures, soon!