It's been such a long time since we've posted but it couldn't be helped. The end of the year is always a trying time as we have to re-submit for Noah's care budget. Plus winter months are difficult when Noah is so susceptible to respiratory infections.
This year was complicated by Thijs having surgery that had complications (he's finally feeling better now). Noah going to school where the intricate rules we came across caused problems with Noah's budget and took 2.5 months to resolve!!! (Thank you Thuis Beademing, in particular Trudy for helping us with that). With the current economic crisis, Thijs work is also making cost savings that impact the family. All in all we've been pretty down in the dumps.
All clouds have a silver lining is a popular saying. The sun is shining and life goes on. Even though Noah has been very ill, with cold after cold after virus after ... well, you get the picture!! Even through all that, he is developing really well. He's playing more, he's making much more eye contact and he's still a happy kid who makes us proud. Previously he's been at a standstill when ill but now he continues to surprise us. That's a great and wonderful difference.
Thijs and I have been to visit friends and family. Celebrating Yarah's 1st birthday (wow! how the year has flown by!), and Bart's 40th was great. I don't get to see a large group of people very often so I was quite nervous, which was really silly because it was fantastic catching up with our old gang.
Talking of "old gangs", I love Facebook. Especially the photos of friends you've lost touch with, which is certainly the case with my RAF buddies. Everyone scatters to the 4 winds and moving around it's hard to keep in touch, so Facebook is great. A nice guy I knew was retiring after 38 years in the RAF. He posted some pictures from his dinning out dinner, (a retirement party for you civilians! ;) ), and it struck me how all my old bosses are now ......well, old! My work mates and friends are ... well, errrm, advanced in age. When did this happen??!!! I'm now a middle aged person and my friends are also middle aged, some of them have teenage kids!!! Is this a mid-life crisis I'm having??!!
So I haven't posted any pictures because I'm in the middle of a mid-life crisis. I'm waiting to book an ab-sailing / diving / para-gliding adventure whenever Groupon has a 'can't resist' offer. If I survive, I'll do my best to get some lovely pictures of the family Drosten adventures posted soon!
Still smiling,
The Drostens.