Hi everyone,
A long long overdue update! Let's start with some ancient history: Noah's Birthday.

He had a great time at school, and at home, allthough we didn't take any pictures of the party. I guess we were too busy having a good time.
For all of you who haven't visisted for a while: The garden has changed a lot, we put in a play area for Noah next to the house. He has a swing, which he loves and a slide. The slide is a bit too advanced for him, he loves going down it, but has to carried up. We'll have to wait until he can climb up himself for that to be a regular event. Anyway, here you can see my parent helping to level the ground for his play area. I'll take some pictures for the next blog entry so you can see the difference. We moved quite a few big shrubs and lot's of earth!
We also had the backgarden repaved in a different pattern, here the old situation is shown off by our favourite model. Does make me long back to wamer days, these pictures.
More summertime fun, now in school.Noah actually managed to get some color on him this year, instead of his usual scottish-like white-blue skin colour.
A while ago, we tried a new way of having a weekend of. Instead of having nurses in our house, and the two of us leaving, we decided to that noah could go for a sleepover at a nurse (they kindly offered). This would leave us in our house free to do some thigns we needed to do, and without actually having to leave to a hotel. A penny saved.. is a penny spend by Louise on other stuff ;-).
Anyway, we have now had two of these weekends, and these are pictures from teh second weekend. We forgot to put the camera in the bags for the first weekend, so we got some lovely prints from that weekend. You can check them at our house.
Anyway, I don't think I have to tell you Noah really enjoyed himself!
On to the rest of the family. We are doing allright-ish, with lot's of downs and ups. Still trying to come to terms with the reality that Noah will very very likely need some form of care and protected living for the rest of his live, something that we really wanted to avoid for him. As long as he is progressing we can cope, and there is a lot of progress.
Work is good, despited major cutbacks i'm still there, so that is an up. Not much else to say, because I'll say it all in the next post. Coming soon: Sinterklaas and Wales visit, with a very surprising video!