Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How we're doing

So many people have been so kind to us, asking how we're doing, sending lovely flowers, cards and messages. Thank you so much. We have been so moved by everyone's kindness and understanding. We thought it would be a good idea to write how we are doing and feeling as there are so many of you that are concerned about us.

For the most part we're doing pretty well. We have mostly good days with some bad days thrown in. Hospital visits are particularly difficult as the reality of the situation is in your face on those days.
We both concentrate on keeping ourselves positive. I enjoy feeling the baby move, so it's easier for me to just focus on keeping calm for the baby and try to just enjoying the feeling of being pregnant.
It's a bit harder for Thijs to feel this as the movements are still soft, well at least on the outside!
Thijs has been fantastic looking into all the practical aspects of how we will manage, depending on the different scenarios, after the birth. I'm very grateful that he spares me this because it is quite stressful.
The positive thing about this situation is how much closer we are and how much we appreciate each other. Maybe that's a bit soppy to put in a blog, but it would be impossible to cope with this situation without the strength we find in each other.

We've found it a bit difficult to raise our spirits last week, so it was great that we had been invited to visit friends and family over the weekend.
It was a such a relaxing weekend! We didn't have to make decisions about anything, we just ate all the fabulous food put in front of us and relaxed in great company. By Sunday night we felt like we had enjoyed a little holiday away from our life.

This gave us the idea that we should arrange to do something every weekend, where possible. Just get out on the bikes, or visit a museum - anything really. It also helps us as we will at least have something else to talk about other than this situation!
Actually, if you don't mind, you could help here. Do you have any recommendations for places you've visited? Do you have any ideas for day trips or websites where we can find stuff? Please let us know.

So that's how we're doing! Taking things a week at a time, and trying not to worry about things we cannot do anything about. It's not easy, but it's made easier by having each other and being able to talk to you and all the kind things that people are doing for and saying to us. We have great medical staff working to support us and for the rest we have to have faith.

Louise & Thijs


Unknown said...

We are very sorry to hear your news. We just like to let you know that we are thinking of you on the other side of the world. Hang in there and stay positive! Best wishes from Singapore, Tessa and Marco

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that you both can call on me anytime you want, for just about anything. I had fun killing Thijs with kindness last weekend, and it got him out of Louise's hair for a little while ;-)
I hope that you both know that.