Thursday, May 7, 2009

Very Busy Doing ... Stuff!

It's been far too long since we've posted an update; don't worry though, there is nothing seriously wrong or anything like that.  Noah has just put his considerable will to growing teeth, and that is exactly what is happening.  He's not able to be off his machine for very long which makes it a bit of a nuisance to move about and a little more work.  
He now has 6 teeth cut, and he has 4 more on the way.  This means that his system is a little bit run down so it's pooh nappies, infections and just a pretty miserable time for him and not that much fun for us.  It's not all miserable though.  As you all know, Noah is one tough little cookie.  His development is coming on in leaps and bounds, he's a totally different boy now to how he was in the hospital.  
Some things have taken a step back, like his breathing off his machine and his eating solid food, but we're confident that this will improve once he's not so focused on growing teeth!!

We've got some pretty cool videos and pictures stored up to show you what Noah has been up to and how he's changed in the last 4 weeks.  So we ask for your patients a little while longer and we'll try and get them uploaded as soon as possible.

We're off to the Sophia hospital tomorrow for a routine check up so we should have some official statistics on Noah's length and weight to share as well.

Speak to you soon,


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