Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thanks All

We just wanted to say a big thank you for your kind words and phone calls - it's helped a lot to know people are thinking about us and by talking we were able to sort our own thoughts out.

Now that the initial shock has worn off, we're feeling a bit calmer in ourselves and able to cope on a day to day basis. We're both back at work, which helps to keep the mind occupied. Work has been great and very supportive to us both, so that's also a weight off our shoulders.

We don't know any more details regarding options, but we know that the baby is currently not under any duress or suffering at this moment. If his kicks or punches are anything to go by, he's strong and fighting fit! We're off to Leiden on Thursday where we hope to hear a bit more about how the baby is doing. We don't expect much information regarding the Syndrome as it is quite a rare and there isn't that much data to share. We will of course update the blog with whatever news or updates to keep you informed.

We've decided to remain with a positive attitude and mind set until we are told differently. We will just hope for the best, and not assume the worst before it actually happens. It is very uplifting to know that all of you support us, and we thank you again,

Louise en Thijs.

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