It has been a while since our last update. Offcourse lots has happened in the mean time, but also lots has stayed the same. Lets start with some news about the most important one on this blog, Noah.
He is growing stronger, although not as fast as the doctors want, so he will be given some extra fats, sugars and proteines in his milk. This is still mothers milk, for all the important antibodies, and natural goodness. Noah is awake very often when we visit, and is trying to copy the strange faces his mum makes for him. He is not yet grabbing anything, but he waves and kicks a lot.
He also drinks a full bottle now, three times a day. We have been told by the doctor that this is very rare among babies with a canule, because the canule restricts movement in the throat area, and may irritate as well. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to like the milk with additives, but we can give him some normal milk from the bottle. (as shown here by his adorable assistant, Louise)

Also he now has a bath in the morning, unfortunately we haven't been able to do that for him yet. We have a picture, but only a hardcopy, so we can't show you yet. We will go and visit in the morning next week, so we can give him his bath. He is really enjoying it, and kicking around with his legs to make big splashes.
Noah has had quite a few visitors already, and lots of presenst as well. All the grandparents, his Aunt Anneke, Bas en Marloes, Maarten O.L., Wendy and Sam have all been and visited. He is even starting to recieve his own mail! (Thank you Ivo :-) ) . Just a quick word of advice for anyone who wants to give him a present. Please don't give him any clothing, because he has too much already.
There were special visitors last wednesday, the first team of soccerclub Feyenoord, who presented him with a shirt signed by all the team members, and some other goodies. The shirt is a size XL, so it could be a while before he can wear it. Here is Ron Vlaar (I had never heard of him before wednesday, but he was captain in the dutch under 21 team ) presenting the jersey.

Also last wednesday we were introduced to the doctor who is going to be incharge of the overall treatment of Noah. He seems to be a very nice man, and gave us an overview of what they know and what we can expect for now. We will meet every week, but big medical news will wait for a few weeks untill the throat specialist is back from his holidays. Their is no hurry anyway, as the throat reconstruction surgey will have to wait till he is a lot bigger.
We are also doing good, especially considering the circumstances. Louise is getting better, and her wound has healed completely (well, as far as we can see on the outside offcourse). She still tires quickly (well, quicker then before her pregnancy) but that is also getting better every day.
I am doing good, I reduced my work hours to be able to spend more time with Noah, and still get my sleep. This seems to be working well, esp. since Anneke and my parents have volunteered to take Louise to the hospital, which also allows me (and offcourse Louise) to spend more time with Noah.
Last but not least, Lilo is being spoiled by Louise's dad, and goes to the beach almost every day.
Well, I guess that is it untill we get some more pictures.
feyenoord????????? wat is dat?? ik dacht dat het op z'n minst ADO zou worden. Maar zeker wel de GRAAFSCHAP.
hoi Noah,
Mijn ouders houden mij op de hoogte hoe het met je gaat. Even een berichtje van mij.
Ik vind moedermelk ook het lekkerste wat er is, en al die vitamines vind ik vies smaken.
Nu hoorde ik, dat je al lekker in badje gaat. Vind ik ook altijd heerlijk. En wat ik het lekkerste vind, is poepen in bad. Moet je ook eens proberen joh, echt een aanrader.
Jij hebt ook zo'n mobiel boven je bed. Heeft dat ding van jouw een leuk muziekje. Een paar keer per week (wanneer mijn grote broer er niet is) krijg ik ook zo'n ding boven mijn hangmat. Ik moet er nog erg aan wennen.
knuffels van mij,
(ik heb honger dus ga weer lekker drinken)
Hello Louise and Thijs and ofcourse Noa,
just to let you know, still tracking you all and can only wish you best of luck.
greetings, hugs and kisses
Go Noah GO
I've heard of Feyenoord of course - I being an avid sports nut :)
In the words of all Italian mothers my advice to Noah is "You must eat, you must get fat"
Keep up the good work Thijs, Snoddy and Noah.
Greg in Oz
Hi Louise,
Long time no speak! Very best wishes to you both, and of course to Noah, what a beauty, redheads unite!! Take care and get plenty sleep while you can!
Thinking of you all, with love,
Roz Rennie in sunny Blighty xxx
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