As you may have read Noah is getting his first teeth. This unfortunately also means that he has an increased slime production in his lungs. So we now need to suction him more often then before, and react a bit quicker because his breathing tube gets blocked quicker.
We told the nurses this, but the nurse looking after Noah was busy with another patient. Her colleague was not quick enough, so Noah had another 'incident'.
These things make us wonder why we can't take him home. The last three incidents happened when we weren't there, so we may as well take over his care completely as he is safer with us then with the nurses. 17 days has never seemed this long.
Related, the deliveries of stuff are starting to arrive, or getting arranged. Another nightmare, as some companies are completely inflexible regarding their deliveries. I can call what time the oxygen gets delivered at 8.30 in the morning of the day that it gets delivered. The fact that I am already in work a 100 km away, and Louise is in the hospital taking care of Noah seems to be completely lost on these people.
Right I'll stop complaining now, and enter you with pictures (as soon as I am in Rotterdam and connect the camera that is, so check this space tonight)!
As Promised -PHOTOS! :)
Here is a photo log of a typical day in the life of Noah:
Here I am modeling the latest in head gear, the corrective helmet with cool cartoon styling. A true trend setter!
I am teaching my parents how to feed me. They keep trying this bland rice flakes and so I let them know that acceptable food is marzipan, pears or carrots. I just don't do rice flakes love!
Here I am getting ready to crawl around the bed. I let mum or dad give me some support as my tummy is still a bit tender.
After all these activities I like to check my blog to see who has left me some comments to read.
Phew! It's hard work being a kid in the 21st century! It's 18:30 time for bed. YaaaAAAWWN! See you all soon in Den Haag.
xx Noah
PS - I breathed for myself for 8 hours today all in one go - no machines!
waiting for the pictures.......
Well, there's one advantage of getting / having teeth: is't easier to eat a big mac with than without
We are also counting and hoping for you both and Noah that there will be no more accidents!
Hi Guys (thanks for the email snod) poor you. I tell you what gets people moving a stun gun I am shur you can get them out there a quick zap every time there not on their feet helps (you and them) sorry I would be at my end by now and be quite hard to be around if I had to put up with incompetence that hurt my family. I wont go on. Only to say My hart goes out to you booth . And I am shur you are going thru some form of hell with him teething they relay now how to let you now I am not happy (and its like all the time)poor burgers have you gout the bongela all over his chops. Dined relay work for our two more the frozen rings helps tuns. It wont be long now for the solids and the need for meat Jack and his lam chops looked like some sort of cave boy gnarling and gnashing at it. It looked like some sort of chewed sucked thing on a stick in the end what ever keeps them happy for half hour I say. must go shopping to do ps love the count down ( i would do the sound of the show )
Hahahaha - waiting for my stun gun to arrive!!
As for his big mac, we'll make sure we stop off at a tall building on our way home to Den Haag!
xx fam. D xxx
that's a cool helmet, look just like an helmet for a jetfighter!
Dear Noah,
I'm following your blog and i'm heard a lot of you and your parents from Paul and Wendy. Still 15 days to go and than you are going at home. It's GREAT!!! But also exiting, i think so. We wish your parents good preparations at home but also the medical!
We wish you all the best!!
Lots of love and a big hug for you Noah (and also for your parents)
Sebastiaan and Ellen
You are getting so big Noah, even getting teath! And why do you only eat marzipan, carrots and pear? there's so much more to enjoy (ask your parents). I cant's wait for those 15? days to go by (it's already februari, the month you're coming home!).
Have some more fun playing with your mum and dad and it truly is a nice helmet!
The Calverts are so.... HAPPY things are moving on, Mummy and Daddy must be buzz;n
give your mum and dad a big hug from us all here in Darlo
Neil, Lucy, Lara & Owen and Jaffa xxxx
I just found out about your soon-to-happen homecoming and I wish you all the best of luck!
The helmet is quite cute, but try to get it off him before he goes walking, my cousin's little girl had one when she was learning to crawl and even walk and she'd bump her head and she wouldn't even notice. Until it came off... (ouch!)
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