We've just been for our official measurements of Noah at the Soffia and so I can pass on to you that Noah is 8780gram and 72cm long and his skull was 47cm. So all good and healthy.
Noah has 3 teeth through right now, and is busy with cutting his two top front teeth and numbers 4 and 5 at the bottom. I hope they come through soon. I'm pretty fed up of pooh nappies by now, and really wish this diarrhea was over with. Noah has terrible cramps and it's quite heartbreaking when he's crying and covered in sweat from the pain. I'm told this is normal for teething but it's still bloody awful. On top of all this he gets excessive slijm in his lungs so extra suctioning is required. I feel like the suction machine is my siamese twin at the moment! I dearly hope after these few teeth are through that we will get a break for a while. Apparently children cut teeth for the fist 2 years, I think Noah is trying to get it over with in his first 2 months home!!!
We found somebody to come and help me with Noah during the morning, her name is Zaineb. She's a really nice lady and Noah has taken to her too. We had one trial morning and now I can't wait for her to start. We got so much done together and it was so much easier focusing on Noah. We're hoping she can start at the 1st of April, but it's taking so long to get this PGB administration sorted heaven knows when it will be. It's so frustrating that the fund that is set up to help you is so damn complicated, even the people that make decisions on your budget don't know their own rules. Luckily Thijs reads the small print and has the patience to teach their staff their own rules!
We're both pretty tired. I'm loving looking after Noah but my goodness it's full on hard work. We've had quite a few appointments with the Revalidation team, fortunately in Den Haag, so no long trips with Noah to Rotterdam. The Revalidation doctor is fantastic. She has great ideas and works with us to find solutions for our situation, plus she's easy to talk to and has knowledge of local facilities. She's already put us in touch with a great Physiotherapist, Inneke and an Ergonomist, Inge. We've finally got a second corset made for Noah by Livit and they are busy making a 'schelp' seat. It's a sturdy seat that Noah can sit in and be fully supported so that he is stable and his hands are free for playing or eating. This should help his development go to the next level. We have a final fitting in 2 weeks.
Noah's development is coming on in leaps and bounds. He's turning from side to side, grabbing objects and swapping them from hand to hand. He's almost mastered rolling on to his tummy but he hasn't quite figured how to get his arm out of the way. All of this is quite tireing for him and he needs loads of suctioning when he is active, which interrupts his concentration. However Inneke is helping a lot with this and coming up with some good ideas how to build up Noah's stamina and to give him support where he needs it. Inge is helping by giving advice on practical devices available to help me and Noah in our daily routine, such as bathing, changing, play areas etc. So slowly but surely it's falling into place.
We've had a few visitors to see Noah since he's been home. His Fairy Godmother, Lol, was here for a week having flown from Las Vegas. As you know Fairy Godmothers can choose to be invisible. This is why we have no photos of the visit, and not because we are completely absentminded and forgot to take any!!
My dad is here until the end of the month. He's enjoying taking the dog to the beach and doing really well on his fitness plans. He's lost 5 kilos since he got here, so he's very happy. We've been keeping him busy by getting him to paint Noah's bedroom furniture and it looks lovely. Maarten from Arnhem was here and Noah's Oma and Opa have been a few times and this weekend we were spoiled when Maarten and Judith came and cooked Dinner for us. Yummy! Thanks again guys :) .
So it feels like we haven't done anything and yet lots has been going on. I suppose it's just a normal 'life with a child' feeling. Hurah! We're finally a normal family with our baby at home and we are completely shattered and it's normal! :)
Here are a few of the photos we did remember to take! Enjoy.
Noah, Papa and Grampy enjoy some sport on TV
Oh no! Not the dreaded 'kid bathing in the sink' photo!
I'm soooo not impressed!
This is how you wrestle a bear into submission!
Noah in his 'Dennis the Menace' romper trying to look innocent - and failing?!
Noah eating his pear and apple puree. Yummy!
Frank, totally unimpressed with Wales vs France performance at the Rugby. Come on Wales!
super Boy!
great to see him!
What a lovely pictures, it must be great to be home all together. Everytime I see Noa changing on the pictures.
Hurray, an update. You really are new parents now, tired all the time :-)
Pictures are lovely and homey, am so pleased he is doing so well.
Will call soon for live updates & possible dates to visit.
HURAH!! inderdaad, een echt gezinnetje, en echt moe! zo hoort het! En het wordt 'vanzelf' beter! Wat goed van jullie! X Nieke
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