Hi everyone,
We just heard that we can go home next friday, much earlier then expected. Louise is learnong how to take care of his metal canule, and will be qualified by then. I may have to finish a bit later, but luckily can also finish the instructions at home.
We will have to go back next week on friday for the change of the stent, and probably another overnight stay. After that we have to go back every three weeks for the same procedure, but it looks like we will be in hospital for a minimal amount of time.
We'll let you know when we have more news, I'll update this post as soon as i hear more.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Hospital Update
Hi everyone,
Just a short hospital update to let you know that everything went well. The operation was succesfull, and the doctor has succeeded in removing the blockage in Noah's throat, whilst also saving his vocal cords.
The doctor was pleased with how the operation proceeded. He saw that the vocal cords were fused, so he seperated them. The chords are not in a great condition which could mean that he will not have a good voice, but it all depends on how he heals. He has surprised the doctors before! :) At the very least he will be able to make sound.
The blockage was indeed composed of cartillage that had grown into a disc instead of a ring. The doctor managed to open this up, and create what he described as "a decent size airway". The doctor cut away the blockage, leaving behind a 'U' shaped piece of cartilage, so he didn't need to use a piece of Noah's rib in order to strengthen his airway - the less incisions made the better!
A stent was put in the opening, to make sure no scar tissue will grow over the opening. This stent will be permenantly removed at the end of the healing process, which could take a long time; a minimum of 4 months. It's difficult to be precise because this depends on how quickly Noah heals, (which is different for each child), and how quickly his mucous membrane grows over the wound. This membrane is important for a healthy airway.
At the moment Noah is getting a lot of pain medication, and he is quite sleepy after his big day. He was awake this afternoon for a little while. It cheered us up enormously that his first order of business was searching for doekie la doek, and then to lift his leg up and pull his sock off! Business as usual for Noah :)
He came awake quite unstressed and not at all upset, and gradually drifted back off to sleep. Thijs describes him as being quite happily stoned!
The doctor goes on holiday after the 9th of July, so he wants to perform the first change of the stent himself, it's possible that Noah is again in theatre on his birthday - but this will mean that he can come home earlier, of course depending on his recovery. It's quite probable that Noah will have his ear pierced during this operation. This is because the stent is anchored via a chord to his canule at the bottom, and with sticking plaster over the chord at the top. However, sticking plaster can come loose so the safest way is to tie this chord to an ear-ring. So our little man will get an ear-ring for his birthday from the hospital!
Thijs and I are feeling completly drained. It's been a very intense time. We're so grateful that it's gone as well as it has. Thank you for all your sms's, positive thoughts and prayers.
We're off out this evening to enjoy a meal with perhaps a glass of wine or two and looking forward to a relaxing night sleep :)
xx Thijs & Louise
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Photo Update
Noah in his walker - he loves being able to move about and he's really good at it!
A few highlights from our trip to Wales
Welcome to Wales ... they even hung the flags out for Noah's visit.

Here is Noah in front of Caerphilly castle.

All good things come to an end ... bye bye England - yes the cliffs really are white!

I wasn't joking about the stuffed car!

Carrying all that shopping was hard work ... some just aren't cut out for it!

Highlights from Noah's Christening
You are now officially Noah Aleidus Glyndwr :)

Much happier now with my pal - Can you dig my funky Welsh dragon shoes Ties?!

I hat to post this one as Lol's hat is so fabulous :)

The Christening gang, apart from Wendy who's taking the photo .. thanks Wendy :)

An enjoyable lunch with colleagues. Bedankt voor de bloemen!

Aaaargh! I'm being eaten by a giant fish ... put the camera down and HELP ME!

Noah was ready for his hair cut, and he was really calm sitting like a young lad on his own in the big chair .... of course with dookie le doek close at hand!

Doesn't he look great?

Noah is preparing for the Netherlands victory at the world cup. Hup! Holland Hup!

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