Noah in his walker - he loves being able to move about and he's really good at it!
A few highlights from our trip to Wales
Welcome to Wales ... they even hung the flags out for Noah's visit.

Here is Noah in front of Caerphilly castle.

All good things come to an end ... bye bye England - yes the cliffs really are white!

I wasn't joking about the stuffed car!

Carrying all that shopping was hard work ... some just aren't cut out for it!

Highlights from Noah's Christening
You are now officially Noah Aleidus Glyndwr :)

Much happier now with my pal - Can you dig my funky Welsh dragon shoes Ties?!

I hat to post this one as Lol's hat is so fabulous :)

The Christening gang, apart from Wendy who's taking the photo .. thanks Wendy :)

An enjoyable lunch with colleagues. Bedankt voor de bloemen!

Aaaargh! I'm being eaten by a giant fish ... put the camera down and HELP ME!

Noah was ready for his hair cut, and he was really calm sitting like a young lad on his own in the big chair .... of course with dookie le doek close at hand!

Doesn't he look great?

Noah is preparing for the Netherlands victory at the world cup. Hup! Holland Hup!

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