There is not much news from here, which in our opinion is good. Noah is still doing very well, and he is growing, developing and in general very happy.
I'll just post a few highlights:
- There is no news about our home care, or about the house. So for now we have decided to live in The Hague, and see how well it goes. We most likely qualify for a lot of home care, but until this is decided we remain conservative. It looks like we can hope for nursing for 7 nights, 2 days of medical daycare and an unknown number of additional hours. Also some provisions for holidays may be in the packet, but again we are not sure. This is still a mayor worry, but as we cannot afford two mortgages we will stay in The Hague for now. Also it looks like the amount of care and offers for help from neighbours will be enough to manage for now.
We are still looking for a new pram, to enable us to take all his equipment, but still manouvre around in the city, and will fold away for storage in the hallway. Yes we want it all, as usual.
- He is now allowed to breathe on his own, without any machine helping him three times aday for half an hour. This is really great because the little cap to provide him with a tiny bit of extra oxygen is so much smaller then the usual tube, he can move around much better.
- We are trying to give him more solid food, for now this is just training, but he gets a bit of 'pap' with every meal during the day. It is only 10 ml of milk with a bit of babyrice or carrot usually, but he seems to get the hang of it. Also he will be going down to 7 feeds a day,from 8, skipping his three o'clock in the night feed. Good for when he comes home, so we can get some sleep.
The eating is always entertaining:
- Lastly he has grown even further, and is now 68 cm long, and weighs 7.830 kg. Which is almost 27 inch and 17.3 pounds for the more metrically challenged among us :-). This means that he is growing out of stuff, but also starts to fit into some new stuff, including some very fashionable boots!:
Noah wishes you a merry xmas (a bit late, but hey he is still a baby) and a happy new year!
Time for another nap (P.S. Don't try this at home with a baby that breaths through his mouth/nose)
See you all next year,
Louise and Thijs
Happy new year!
we are looking forward to meet the little superman!
Gelukkig nieuwjaar!
Ik wens jullie alle goeds voor 2009 en verder uiteraard.
Graag kom ik een keer kijken (ik volgt de blog op de voet), maar dan bel ik uiteraard eerst even.
Christian (en Josée)
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2009 :-)
Het was geweldig om Noah "live" te zien! We komen zeker nog een keer!
p.s. de chocotaart was ook lekker!
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