Noah is now starting to eat real food. He got bored with only milk, and so we decided to try him on carrots. How else would we keep his hair lovely and red?!
Both Thijs and myself, Oma, Opa and Auntie Anneke have been busy doing training to take care of Noah and all his breathing apparatus. This means we are able to take care of him without a nurse present when he comes home.
Here is the news we've all been waiting for ... ... Noah is coming home!
Yes, it's true!
We were officially informed yesterday that the hospital is now planning for Noah to come home mid February to the beginning of March. That's only 8 weeks away!
There are lots of things to organise, but the hospital will help us out with a lot of it, we hope! We're also trying to sort out a baby carriage so that Noah can go outside. As you can imagine, we need to take a lot of equipment with us when we take him out. The beautiful pram we bought isn't suitable, so if any of you know anyone who has been hoarding an old fashioned baby carriage up in the attic, the type with the metal tray underneath, tell them to dust it off and get in touch please! We both can't wait to get him home and away from the hospital environment. As soon as we're settled we hope to see you all.
As if this weren't enough of a shock, yesterday the doctor decided to try and see just how far Noah could go. So he took him off all his breathing devices and just gave him some extra oxygen. Noah breathed on his own for 15 mins with no problem! Actually, he was quite upset to go back on the breathing machine, but it's much too much hard work for him to breath all of the time on his own.
The doctors and nurses are so amazed at his progress, this has really thrown them into a spin. They are planning another meeting to decide exactly what this means. However Thijs and I just look at Noah and see him giving his cheeky grin and think that this is just typical Noah behaviour. He writes his own rules, go Noah! :)
We also had some people ask whether we received their post, yes we have. We do check regularly on the house and collect the post, so thanks for all the cards we've received, we've put them up around Noah's bed and it's starting to look very festive. The play nurse asked me to decorate the Christmas tree in the IC Unit. She gave me some very tasteful decorations, which I just could not in all conscience use - so I went home and dug out some of my 'unique' baubles and I think the tree looks very festive especially with the traditional Christmas Frog - you'll all want one next year! There was a certain degree of interest from visiting children, so I think it worked out ok.
We're now settled in at the new Ronald McDonald house. It's very modern and only a few steps away from the hospital so that's a good thing.
It's very late so I will just get this posted, Thijs will work on adding the photos later in the day. We are totally not prepared for Christmas and so we need to do a little bit of shopping (mostly to see just how stupidly expensive a new kinderwagen is!!) so the photos may take a little while. I'm thinking of celebrating Christmas in March, I just might be prepared by then!!!!
A few more pictures from the Clini Clowns visiting, and hopefully more news soon!
Tot binnekort!
xx The Drosten juniors
Super NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! The best post ever! I call you soon!
Lieve Louise and Thijs,
for 2 months i didn't have internet because we moved homes. And there was a lot of reading to do. A massive amount of reading i should say. A lot has been going on, ofcourse I heard a lot from my dad, but it is described in so much more details when i read your blog. And this last blog (it was meant to be that my internet started working again now), the news of him coming home. Fantastic!! As Tom already said, the best post ever... you must be really happy now! And i am very happy for you, Noah, Anneke and Chris and Lex! Nieke
Wat een goede berichten en wat ziet Noah er hardstikke goed uit.
Mooi mannetje!
Voor 2009 wens ik jullie drieën veel geluk en vooruitgang.
Hoi Noah, Louis en Thijs,
Wat een geweldig nieuws, Noah mag eindelijk naar huis. Zo kan je 2009 niet beter starten!
Super veel geluk jullie drietjes! Geniet ervan!
Liefs Marloes en Bas
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