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Our at home visit and THE last night at the Sophia :)
On Tuesday night I was both excited and nervous. I think I slept a total of 3 hours, not that great a start to the day, but my brain just wouldn't switch off. Thijs and I were at the hospital around 7 o'clock in the morning. We had Noah dressed and ready to go by 08:30, which is when we had an appointment with the plastic surgery department. 2 hours later we still hadn't seen the doctor and were close to leaving. Noah was very hungry and a bit overwhelmed with all the people in the waiting room. Of course that's when the doctors had time to see us. I won't say that it was worth the wait, but the team of doctors were very thorough and gave us a lot of information. After 45 minutes we were finally on our way to Den Haag!
Noah wasn't that impressed with being in a car, but with his sheet over his head he managed to fall into a light sleep and we made it home in good time. We were a bit worried that Noah could be overwhelmed by all the new sights, sounds and smells, but in true Noah style he took a good look around, yawned and fell asleep!
We were glad he fell asleep because although we had been home a few times to set things up, there was still a lot more things that we found needed to be moved. This is really the purpose of such a day at home. We found out a lot of things, but the most important one is not to sit on Noah's oxygen hose!!
Here is me on the phone to Grampy Bazzard, while Noah is asking "Who?!". He was too young to remember my dad's terified face in the hospital, (my dad has a bit of a phobia against hospitals), but luckily he has the whole of March to get to know the head of the Welsh Mafia!
Papa got a few smiles from Noah as he was playing in his box.
He was so relaxed he smilled all the time - except for when we tried to take a photo of course!
Finally we put him in the bath which he thought was wonderful. He relaxed against his papa, kicked his feet and weed in the bath - traditional!
It really was a wonderful day. I thought I would be heartbroken to take Noah back to the hospital but strangely it gave me a bit of a lift. We both must have been a little worried, but this day proved that we can handle it and most importantly Noah loves being home.
So here we are, only 1 more night to go. This is Noah's last afternoon nap in the hospital.
Here is the last night waiting to be ticked off his tastefully decorated countdown calender!
Only one thing to do and that is to sleep this night away!
Good night and God bless everyone. Tomorrow is the start of a new future for the Drosten junior family and we can't wait. :)
xx The Drosten Juniors.
Go go go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And go go go gooooooooooooooo!!! only 12 more hours and Noah will come home! heel veel plezier, geluk, liefde en nog meer goeds! Nieke
Wow, the pictures breathe such a different atmosphere than the hospital ones. You guys are going to have a ball!
Enjoy your homecoming and try to get some sleep tonight :-)
I love the calender! We've done Winnie the Pooh decorations for our child(soon-to-be-ren)'s room.
Don't worry about what you've forgotten, you'll find that a lot of it you may not even need. Just enjoy having your family all together and home.
Lou,Thijs and Noah, I'm typing this at 0020 uk time, hopefully you're all sound asleep despite the excitement morning will bring! We wish you a wonderful start to your well deserved, and long awaited home life with baby Noah. All parents forget something guys, you'll manage no matter what. Improvise and overcome Lou, back to your raf days chick!! I look forward to the day when I finally meet the 2 men in your life, my little welsh wonder! Ignore the chaos of monday, and enjoy taking your baby home..........finally. Luv ya loads
Mand n gang xxx
Hey Manda,
No we were awake at 2am! Noah is teething so he needed suctioning regularly through the night. We don't mind though, it's still a novelty!
All geared up to improvise, adapt and overcome.
Sleep well Manda,
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