We're all excited, it feels like Christmas morning only better. Our gift has been long awaited. We are so looking forward to starting our life together at last as a family at home. Thijs is off to the car to pick up all the crates we need to load Noah's equipment safely into the car.
Later we have to pack and clean our room at the Ricky McD', (we were told at 17:00 that we needed to stay another night in the hospital so we're not as prepared as we'd hoped- oh the best laid plans of mice and men!!).
So it's wash time for Noah, we'll all enjoy a lovely relaxed bath later at home. :)
After that it's a last physiotherapy session for Noah a final wave to the nurses and we hope to be out of here around 10:30, but as long as we leave - the time doesn't matter!
Right, it's time to get busy and stop blogging - at least for now!
xxx The Homecoming Kings and Queen (I've watched too much American TV!!)
stop blogging, go go go go go!!!!!!
Happy Days :-)) Enjoy!!!
WHOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! there you go, enjoy!!!!!!
Is he home, Is he home, Is he home!!!!!! I have been waiting for this day so long and telling Kal all about it. Do not worry you will do great. With whatever him being home brings, you will be amazing. We should talk and catch up when things calm down for you.
Kal is doing great. We are keeping him from getting sick, by confining him to home for the winter season. We have to get through this season, so it does not hold us back. Kal is off the vent 4 hours twice a day and doing great. He throws a fit every time he has to go back on. He is doing so great. No oxygen and his saturation levels are great. When he is on the vent, he is on pressure support only with a pressure of 10 and a peep of 6. He is doing well with the bottle and taking like 75 mls at a time, the rest is over the pump. We are just starting feeding solid foods.
Kal is almost off all his meds and has started his therapies to help him develop. We are a bit behind. He is just starting to sit up and play with 6 month old toys. He has a vision problem and is getting better. He is getting so loud. I cannot wait to March to see how big the opening in his airway is.
So, how is Noah!! He looks great. He still weighs more than Kal. Kal is 7.3 kilos and 68cm.
Let me know if you have questions about being home. We were excited and nervous all at the same time. Just believe in yourselves, love your family and just enjoy.
Love, Marci
YAY!!!! DROSTENS ARE GOOOOOOOOO!! At last. I just know you're enjoying it guys - here's to the beginning of the rest of your lives.
Luv ya
Mand xxxx
Super! Jullie drietjes hebben het wel verdiend! Het is het mooiste wat er is, samen thuis te zijn.
It's good to be home!
xxx bas en marloes
wihoew, congrats, finally,
En, hoe is het om weer thuis te zijn??? blog, blog blog!!! ik ben zo nieuwsgierig hoe het gaat, of het mee/tegen valt en hoe blij jullie zijn!!? kan niet wachten weer iets te lezen!
Groeten Nieke
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