Noah had a visitor this weekend. It s a good thing he has a massive playpen, makes sharing it easier.

On Sunday it was time to get into the Xmas spirit. After buying the biggest tree possible, it was time for appropriate music and decorating.
First we decorated the father .....

then we decorated the tree! :)

It looks better in real life! I promise! Really!
Anyway enjoy the pictures and see you soon,
wich one looks better in real life? the father or the tree?
hahahahahaha - the tree ;)
As ever looking great, your dad and your tree xx
haha, mooi, sinterklaas verwelkomd, gevierd en weer uitgezwaaid en een dag later staat de boom al in de kamer!!! Goed zo, nu weer lekker in de kerstspirit! enjoy! Liefs Nieke
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