Hi snod wow dousent he look well and relay quite quit in his we helpers out fit poor buger he will never live it down you now that pic will come out on his 18th or 21st so Bazzard like. love you guys
We are the Drostens: Louise Drosten-Bazzard: My wife, and co-author. Thijs Drosten: Me, the one that does most of the writing for now. Noah Aleidus Glyndwr Drosten: Our son, born on the 9th of july, 2008. He is suffering from a very rare thing called CHAOS, congenital high airway obstruction syndrome. Most of this blog is about him as he is the focus of our lives. He has had a very special birthing procedure, called EXIT, and he will have to live with a little tube in his neck to breathe through. He also has a PDD/NOS diagnosis, he is on the autism spectrum. Daisy Ohana : Our dog and source of fun. (Ohana means family!)
Call to all CHAOS parents
Hi parents. We would like to get into contact with other parents with a CHAOS child. Particularly if you are in Europe. We are active on facebook, where we have a chat group of 15 parents with children that have CHAOS. Please leave a comment and we'll get in touch. Check this post for more information
Thank you very much!
Here are the other CHAOS children and for some, their webpages: Tommy (Carepages, registration required) Kalmin (Carepages, registration required) Grant (Carepages, registration required) Faith-Ann Matheus Pedro Coby (Caringbridge, registration required)
EXIT - Ex-Utero Intrapartum Treatment. A very special type of caesarian (keizersnee) where the baby uses mommy for life support while half born. This allows the doctors to operate on him, and make sure he can breathe properly before the umbilical cord (navel streng) is cut. To make sure the mother does not go into labour, this is done under full general anesthesia (knocked out completely). Also special medication will prevent breaking down of the placenta. See also: http://www.fetalcarecenter.org/fetal-surgery/surgical-procedures/exit.htm
Tracheostomy - A hole in the airway, usually located below the larynx (voice box, stembanden). This hole is used to put in a small plastic tube, through which he can breathe. This tube will need very close monitoring in babies, as it can easily get blocked. Also it will prevent the baby from making noises as no air flow past the vocal cords. For Dutch information, check: vrienden van kinderen met een tracheacanule. Especially the page 'Tips voor familie en vrienden' offcourse :-) .
Probable Causes: A genetic error on chromosome 12Q. This happened when Noah's first cells where dividing, as only a part of his cells have this error. The genes involved are 3, 5 and..... more info to be added later.
Haha. Lovely picture. He is still young to enjoy being dressed up by Louise :-).
Hi snod wow dousent he look well and relay quite quit in his we helpers out fit poor buger he will never live it down you now that pic will come out on his 18th or 21st so Bazzard like.
love you guys
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