Here I am indicating how much trash exactly, as in a good fisherman's story. Trust me it is at LEAST that high!

Anyway, I will try to remove this pile on saturday, 17th of april. I'll start at 12.00, and will be finished, well, whenever it's finished I guess. The dump site is open till 16.00, so that will the latest. Any and all help is welcome, so please let us know if you can come.
More news on the building front: The kitchen is being prepared for the installation of the units and equipment. The main job here was taking out the old door:

Bricking up the door:

And installing a new window:

A last unfortunate incident was that the windows weren't closed well enough and a window smashed in the windy weather that has been hitting the Netherlands recently. Luckily I was on my way to The Hague already, and was able to get there quickly. I just boarded up the window, for the builders to fix when they get back from Easter holidays.

Not much Noah news in this post, but we have this little video for you. We have been concentrating on eating with him, and it is starting to pay off. More on that in a next post undoubtedly!
We want more movies!
gr Tom
Hoi Thijs en Louise,
Ik doe 't even in het Nederlands. Ik wil de 17de wel helpen met het afvoeren van de rommel. (beetje als goedmaker voor mijn afwezigheid op jullie bruiloft) Ik heb wel een aanhanger maar geen auto met trekhaak en geen rijbewijs. Aanhanger is dus beschikbaar maar staat in D'chem. Helpende handjes bij het afvoeren kan ik wel bieden. Laat maar weten of de handjes nodig zijn.
Hi guys you know I would be there if I could only my arm is a bit awchy and I have this thing going on and did I mention I was camping in the rain. Other wise you now I would be there with bells on all sing and dancing to give you a hand. I am also interested to find out who would levee a case of bear under all that crap. Crazy Dutch buggers.Looks like you are all going well in the crazy house reno. If you are like every one else u will moving in and still need to do tuns as well. We lived in our house for 4years before we pout carpet down (jipows that we are) I hope you are all well over Easter long weekend and we are all thinking of you (in the pool drinking cocktails )LOL.
haha, als hij maar niet denkt dat het een hele grote tomaat is he!?! lekker zo'n plastic smaak... x Nieke
He Thijs,
Ik ben er wel bij. Beetje lomp bewegen is wel goed voor me.
Verwacht natuurlijk wel koffie en een exclusieve rondleiding door het huis ;-)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, as announced I will schlepp crap out of the yard (what must the neighbours be thinking!) but only for more movies and pictures of the real star of this blog. Also, will work for food and drink, prepayment please, see you guys Friday :-)
Is this still necessary? Or did I wait long enough to miss it? :)
Anyway, please lemme know, and give me a call if you want, I don't have your phone number.
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