A house update this time, so no new Noah pictures. Sorry everyone.
Our new house is starting to get finished, so all the preparation that the builder did is finally starting to pay of. The biggest step in the last week is that the floor in the living room has gone in. It make it look so much more finished immediately:

The hallway is being done in the same wood, but without the black line in it. The bit that seems unfinished will get a big mat in it for everyone to clean and take off their shoes before they are allowed in. Trying to keep everything in top shape for as long as possible!

This however does not come without any problems..... As you can see the stairs are missing, and also, the floor cannot be walked upon until they have finished lacquering it. So no work on the top two floors.
Well that is what I was afraid of as well. but our trusted builders have improvised and overcome this problem. If you can't have stairs inside, simply place them outside for an even grander entrance:

Tiling upstairs in out washing machine room was just finished when we were there, and preparation for more tiling was on the way.

Also, the areas that are still accessible from the outside have been worked on, the door to the garden are glazed and painted, also nearly finished. The front door also got a good layer of paint, and the rest of the woodwork will follow.

Some help will be very welcome, on either day, but especially on the 5th, as I hope to get all my stuff from my own storage box as well that day. So, if you feel like having the first peek, at a probably still messy, but mostly finished house let us know!
Thank you again for the work on last week, and hope see a few of our readers next week! Only a week to go, who would have believed it!
Ik kom wel helpen, tot hoe laat ik kan helpen weet ik nog niet, maar overdag is geen probleem.
Laat het maar weten wanneer de hulp nodig is. Heb dan vakantie! Moet alleen de 4de op tijd terug zijn in Doetinchem i.v.m. de herdenking (ben dit jaar organisator).
He Thijs, Sandra en ik hadden die dag al geprikt om weer eens wat samen te doen.
Als je echter onvoldoende mensen hebt, geef dan maar een gil. Dan kom ik wel even helpen.
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