Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Picture post

Hello all,

After a bit emotional post, now some hard fact and new news! Of course with lots of pictures for the new internet generation, that doesn't like plain old words :-).

First a picture of one of the nurses, going to clean Noah's throat, which crudely described is like vacuum cleaning the little breathing tube. Luckily Noah doesn't mind this much, he is quite relaxed waiting for it to happen.
As you can see here after the cleaning. His tube needs cleaning quite often when he is active, up to every few minutes when he is drinking his bottle (swallowing means movement around the throat, which irritates and releases phlegm). When he sleeps, his tube hardly ever needs cleaning (all though he often needs a lot of cleaning when he wakes up and starts moving).

Not the best picture ever, but Noah refuses to let his smile be captured on camera. Still you can see he looks happy!
To make clear how difficult it is to catch the smile on camera: even when bopping in his chair he still hides it behind a soft toy. Camera shy?

To annoy the nurses we bought a Toy That Makes Noise (TTMN). The TTMN also has flashing lights, lot's of different noises, and a feet operated bit. We feel it may too much, because we have caught nurses playing with the TTMN. They claim they were setting it up for Noah, but we are nor sure if we should believe them. Anyway, for all of you that think these things make great gifts: THEY DON'T. Thank you from the parents :-)

Random picture without much comment. Cute though......

Even for babies, but also for their parents life goes on, and we had the pleasure and honour to be invited to Franks zero st birthday. He is a friend of Noah (well their respective parents are friends anyway), and was also born a bit early. The party was to honour the day that he should have been born, and his successful move home.

As you can see Frank is not impressed by the festivities (he spend a bit of time in the hospital, teaching him to sleep through an absolute racket).

The feast was big (this was a breakfast/brunch party, and the hosts did not dare to put everything on the table for fear of collapsing it)

And a last shot of Franks proud and happy parents.

Now a new development: Noah has a corset (like one of these tellsell programs). Here he is showing of his new, slim figure. It helps a lot with his breathing, allowing him to sleep while only needing the machine for support. Before his breathing frequency would drop too far, but now he can maintain a normal breathing frequency. Of course breathing this way is still exhausting, but he is back up to 3 periods of 4 hours of breathing on his own, with the machine for support.
The corset also seems to help him fart and burp. This may not seem a thing to be happy with, but Noah has had a lot of wind pains, and moving air out his system is, as far as we are concerned, good! (and sometimes smelly).

Anyway, this is Noah showing of his slim new figure in his American cowboy look. You can imagine him yelling 'rawhide' here (still soundless of course). It was actually a yawn, but it was nearly 7, bedtime for little babies anyway!

And as a final one, a personal message from Noah (in true American style):

I want you:
To visit!

My parents will organize a party sometime for me, but in the meantime don't be shy!

So, we will post soon, and hopefully organize a date when we can get a room and catering and nursing staff to be able to have some cake in Noah's honour. This will in be in January, hopefully......

Louise and Thijs


Anneke said...

How can I say no to such a cute threat? I will see you guys on Saturday :-)


Anonymous said...

TTMN are the best! Yeah, everything
with batteries and lights and sounds. love it! the bigger the better
soooooo loud is cool!

Ties en Gijs

Anonymous said...

Hiya Lou,Thijs and Noah. Well, fab pictures and the little 'rugby player to be' is looking happier and stronger each day. It seems that every negative you get, has a positive to balance it out - my 11 year old son says its karma, and often reminds me that for every action there's a reaction (yes, 11 years old, and a very profound young man in the making!! Don't know where he gets it from!) I showed him pics of Noah today, the profound statements were replaced with multitudes of 'ahhhhhhhhh bless,he's so cute', peppered with little boy giggles - I hope Noah heard them! Still hoping to get over and see you all Lou, I'll try my best for January. In the meantime,give Noah plenty of hugs and kisses from the Keegans, and as usual, a big one for you too xx

PS. Now wondering the maximum size of TTMN Royal Mail will actually accept!! Then again, santa can fit anything on his sleigh!!