Friday, November 14, 2008


A new set of pictures for you to enjoy!

First of all, Noah needed a EEG because the doctors thought that during his incidents he looked a little bit like he had an epileptic attack. It was only a check of a remote possibility, and nothing like that was found, but a great photo moment!

Here is Noah in his gym, working out while his Aunt Anneke is supervising the excercises (out of picture)

Maarten O.L. also dropped by, but all the exercise made Noah to tired to wake up.
And it was also Halloween recently, for which Noah has a fiiting outfit.

Another very fitting outfit. (I won't remember any of this)
Off course plenty of bath times, but one picture will probably do for now.

Opa and Oma also come to visit quite often, so here is Opa with Noah.Well, hope you enjoy, and more post (and maybe even pictures) will follow soon.



Anonymous said...

Super cool!

Lorraine said...

Love the photos :-)

Anneke said...

Fabuleus menneke!