Saturday, November 1, 2008

A new day

Just thought I should let you all know that Noah had a great day today.

This morning he was able to enjoy splashing around in his bath, he'd kicked his infuse out and so we thought we would take advantage of this and I'm so glad we did. He managed to pee over me twice before I got him in his bath, the little tyke! I was able to take him out of his bed and have him on my lap to give him his bottle, which he drank all of his milk from (he's only been managing 50ml max and today it was 100ml). I read him a story, and he fell fast asleep.

This gave him plenty of energy to play and kick about when his Auntie Anneke and his friend Maarten from Arnhem arrived. His Aunt got loads of smiles out of him, he was focused completly on her while she helped him kick the stuffing out of his stuffed animals!

I have to admit to shedding a few tears of relief and happyness in the expressing room, (kolfing kammer), I feel hopeful that Noah turned a corner today. His incidents have gotten less frequent over the week, and for the last two days most have been managed without medication. We still don't know why this has happened, and to be honest, as long as they stop - I don't really care! :) He is now deep and peacefuly asleep, we wished him another restful night.

Sleep well.


Ritchie said...

Glad to hear you are all well and injoying the Sunday.
Love the Bazz,s from down under

Anonymous said...

This is a "happy" meal!!! Fijn dat het weer beter gaat!

Anneke said...

The kid obviously needed a sane person around for a change, so I guess, Maarten: thanks for coming over :-)

It was good to see you all, and am well impressed with the Ronald McDonald house, I can see how that makes life a lot easier.

You guys keep taking care of each other, will keep fingers crossed that you have seen the last of these spells.
