Here is our Noah, showing off his Welsh Gold hair colour! At the moment we're only allowed to touch his hands/feet or place our hand on his head or tummy.
However mum and Noah had a big day yesterday where we got to cuddle each other. Noah was gently lifted by two nurses and placed on my lap. His eyes opened and we looked at each other properly for the first time. Thijs was looking over my shoulder and when Noah heard his daddy's voice, he would look in his direction. It's the most powerful and moving thing I've ever experienced. Noah also had a powerful movement, and I got to change his nappy for the first time too!
I'm now signed out of the hospital. After cuddling him for so long it was a big wrench to leave the hospital, but it was also lovely to be home with Thijs again. We're traveling back and forwards from the Hague to visit Noah which we hope won't be for long. Leuven is now waiting to hear from Leiden about where in the Netherlands Noah will be moved to and when. So we're all waiting on Leiden now. The feeling is that he could be moved sometime early next week, let's all keep our fingers crossed.
Well this is a short post as we have a few things to do and then we're off to Leuven, but I just wanted you all to see our beautiful Noah now that we can download the images from our camera. Thank you all for Noah's cards, we received some at the hospital and there were quite a few at home. They are giving the place a very festive feeling.
That's all for now,
Ahhh...Noah is gorgeous :-))keeping our fingers crossed that he will be moved to NL soon.
Best wishes
Lorraine and Davie
TOP Mannetje
Laat hem maar snel naar Nederland komen.
als dat niet lukt:
groeten uut Doetinchem
fam de Jong
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