Friday, July 11, 2008

Some photo's!

Hi everyone,

Below are a few pictures that Anneke took of Noah. As you can see he is closely monitored.
He and Louise are doing very well. Noah’s ventilation is slowly being reduced, which is a very good sign.
Louise is already able to get out of bed for a few minutes, which is also a very good this quickly after major surgery. She doesn’t want to get out of bed, as she is enjoying the princess treatment she is getting right now. She doesn’t even have to get out of bed for a bath.
We expect Louise to be here till Wednesday, but I will be going to The Hague tomorrow or Sunday to check if the house is still there. Back to Leuven quickly off course to be with Noah.

For visitors: Noah can be visited only with the parents, between 15.30 and 16.30, or between 19.00 and 20.00. Visits have to be short and you are not allowed to touch anything (including Noah). Only two visitors are allowed at a time.
So please call us if you wish to visit, and we can make sure all is arranged.

Thank you for all your calls, visits, mail and comments.


Lorraine said...

Great to see the first pictures of the wee man :-)).Very happy to hear that both Louise and Noah are doing really well.

Best wishes Lorraine and Davie.

JourneyingSalmon said...

I may be biased - but I think Noah is the best looking wee lad EVER!! :)

Proud Mum

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed,it is the best Belgian wee man,
We've got the best Dutch one

proud daddy

JourneyingSalmon said...

Hi Tom,

Well if Ties is any example, I'm sure that Gijs is a very handsome little chap indeed :)

L & T